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Hotel Rheingarten ****

Königstraße 78, 47198 Duisburg-(Alt) Homberg


+49-(0) 2066 20440

Route Planning


During your stay, you can use our parking spaces for free. Your car will always be safe and nearby. Parking at the hotel, on the street, and in the parking lot across Königstraße is available. We also have a disabled parking space. For more information, please contact our reception.

Charging Stations

They are also nearby. Our hotel does not yet have its own charging stations for electric cars. This will certainly be the case in the near future. Our reception will be happy to explain where you can currently charge your car.

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    Write us on WhatsApp +49 (0)2066 - 20 440 info@hotelrheingarten.com Book now!
    © 2025 - Hotel Rheingarten