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Wenn Sie mit uns die schönsten Events in Duisburg und Umgebung besuchen möchten, über besondere Arrangements informiert werden und stets die besten Preise für Ihre Übernachtung erhalten möchten, dann melden Sie sich zu unserem Newsletter an.

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Our Reception is the Heart of Hotel Rheingarten and Your First Point of Contact for a Pleasant Stay…

Our friendly and professional team is available 24/7 to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Whether you have questions about your room, hotel services, need tips for the local area, or wish to make reservations for restaurants or events – we are always here for you.

We place great importance on making our guests feel at home and look forward to welcoming you soon.

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Write us on WhatsApp +49 (0)2066 - 20 440 info@hotelrheingarten.com Book now!
© 2025 - Hotel Rheingarten