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Museums, Art & Culture in Duisburg

The Ruhr area and the Lower Rhine combine industry and rural idyll, shopping malls and kiosks, philharmonic halls and industrial culture. Duisburg is a fascinating example of these exciting contrasts and offers an impressive variety of cultural highlights.

Art Museums and Historical Museums in Duisburg

In the city of Wilhelm Lehmbruck and Gerhard Mercator, art and history play a significant role. Duisburg is home to both paintings and sculptures by world-famous artists as well as exhibits on the city’s and maritime history. Duisburg’s museum landscape enjoys an excellent reputation and attracts culture enthusiasts from all over the world.

Außenansicht des Lehmbruck Museums in Duisburg bei Abenddämmerung mit beleuchtetem Innenraum und einer Neon-Skulptur im Vordergrund.

Lehmbruck Museum

The Lehmbruck Museum is one of the most important institutions for 20th-century sculpture. Since its opening in 1964, as the first museum in NRW dedicated solely to one artist, it has gained international recognition. In addition to focusing on Wilhelm Lehmbruck, the collection includes international modern sculptures as well as sculptures and paintings of German Expressionism.

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Innenansicht des Kultur- und Stadthistorischen Museums sowie Stadtarchiv Duisburg mit Besuchern, die Exponate und historische Modelle betrachten.

Cultural and City History Museum

The Cultural and City History Museum in the Inner Harbor documents Duisburg’s over thousand-year history. Particularly noteworthy is the collection of works by the cartographer Gerhard Mercator, which is unique.

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Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

Another highlight of the city is the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, a unique example of the successful repurposing of industrial wastelands into a multifunctional leisure and recreational space. The park, located on the site of a former steelworks, offers a fascinating combination of industrial culture and nature. Visitors can climb walls made from old ore bunkers, dive in a gasometer, or hike over the old blast furnaces while enjoying spectacular views.

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord is not only a symbol of structural change in the Ruhr area but also a popular destination for families, sports enthusiasts, and culture lovers.

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